
Upholding sacred practices and reciprocity isn’t just a choice; it’s our dedication to nurturing traditions and fostering unity

About Sacred Roots Foundation

Our mission is to empower indigenous peoples (domestic and foreign) and advocate for their rights. Our team is dedicated to supporting and uplifting individuals and communities through our diverse programs and services. We believe that honoring and integrating ancient wisdom with contemporary practices can create a more connected, compassionate, and sustainable world.

At Sacred Roots Foundation, our journey began with a profound realization born from witnessing the colonial exploitation of plant medicine, the lack of reciprocity, and the disrespect shown towards indigenous wisdom. Motivated by a desire to be the change we wished to see, we set out to establish a standard where indigenous wisdom is revered and honored, fostering mutual respect and reciprocity. Our vision emerged from this crucible of experience, fueling our commitment to empower indigenous peoples worldwide and advocate tirelessly for their rights.

We recognize that by integrating ancient wisdom with contemporary practices, we can cultivate a more connected, compassionate, and sustainable world for all. Through our diverse programs and services, we are dedicated to supporting and uplifting individuals and communities, ensuring that their voices are heard, their rights are respected, and their wisdom is celebrated.

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